The Center for Respect (formally called the Date Safe Project):
This program is a sexual assault awareness and prevention organization which provides presentations and education for high school and universities. The Center for Respect addresses consent, sexual assault awareness, bystander intervention, and support for suvivors of assaults. The organization was formed by aducator, activist and author, Mike Domitrz in 2003 after his sister was sexually assaulted.
River City Domestic Violence Center has brought this program to Yankton High School every two years with this goal in mind: Education Equals Prevention. We strive to create a Culture of Respect in our schools and community.
University Education:
Here at River City, we are proud to offer FREE presentations to your class, club, or sorority. You can request a 1-hour presentation on Safe Dating, Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Assault Prevention, or Human Trafficking. If you have another topic in mind, please feel free to request it with our Executive Director.
Throughout the year, our advocates attend tabling events at both Mount Marty University and University of South Dakota. These events are geared toward awareness and prevention. If you see us there, stop by for some free materials and swag! We usually bring some awesome stuff, like water bottles, flashlights, and more! If you have an event you'd like us to table at, we would be happy to attend.
Click the link below to request either a presentation or tabling: