River City Family Connections (RCFC) is designed for children and their separated or divorced parents where there has been domestic abuse, child abuse, or conflict involved with visitation. RCFC is available to parents and their children as a resource for families seeking a wide range of services in the process of custody and litigation. RCFC can also be used to establish or re-establish relationships with family members. Our location serves as a comfortable, neutral location for the transfer of children and for on-site supervised visitation. We are committed to preserving family relationships with a secure, child-oriented setting. The safety and comfort of the children is the goal of our services. We work continuously to promote the growth of happy healthy relationships between family members.
Why is there a Family Visitation Center?
Children are often caught in the middle of parental issues, but parental issues should not become the children's issues. Children should have happy and healthy childhoods free from fear, trauma, violence, and neglect. Family Connections allows children to be children by providing Supervised Visitations and Exchanges 6 days a week. They can be reached at 605-665-1204.